Titles Available for Purchase

  • Best Dressed

    1 video  |   Buy $3.99

    The Evans family is invited to a 70’s party where the only requirement is dressing like you are from that era. When a big shot can’t get in because he didn’t have the right clothes, it becomes a teachable moment. At bedtime, Jonathan and Kanika teach the parable of the King’s banquet—where everyo...

  • Bunny’s Bunny

    1 video  |   Buy $3.99

    When Bunny can’t find her special bunny doll nothing can console her until she finds her one and only ”Bunny’s Bunny.” At bedtime, Jonathan teaches about the parable of the lost sheep.

  • Hidden Treasure

    1 video  |   Buy $3.99

    At story time, the Evans family recounts the story about how they got their family pet dog, Tyson. Jonathan uses the story to teach the parable of the treasure in the field.

  • Up All Night

    1 video  |   Buy $3.99

    Kam and J2 want to be grown, but they learn the hard way that adulting is harder than it looks! At a later-than-usual story time, Jonathan leverages the events of the evening to teach his boys that good leaders serve others instead of expecting to be served.